As post-election violence in West Bengal escalates, the Calcutta High Court headed by acting chief justice Rajesh Bindal ordered a court-monitored central bureau of investigation to look into these incidents. In light of this, the court has appointed retired chief justice of West Bengal Justice Manjula Chellur the head of the Special Investigation Team(SIT).
The court stated, along with Justice Chellur, IPS officers from the West Bengal cadre Suman Bala Sahoo, Soumen Mitra, and Ranveer Kuma cadre- Suman Bala Sahoo and Soumen Mitra and Ranveer Kumar will investigate a variety of criminal cases other than those involving murder, rape, or crimes against women.
The team, consisting of two IPS officers in each of five zones, will assist the SIT's core team. The zones have been designated: Headquarters, Kolkata, North, South, and West. According to a state government order, senior IPS officer Praveen Kumar Tripathi, DIG Malda Range, will assist with the investigation in the North zone. IPS officer SN Gupta, Additional DG, South Bengal, will also be part of the team and will assist with the investigation in the South zone. The state government appointed ten IPS officers on Thursday to assist the SIT in investigating cases of arson and looting during the alleged post-poll violence in May, as mandated by the Calcutta High Court.
The Court also ordered the State government to pay Justice Manjula Chellur Rs 10 lakh for the assignment. It was also ordered that arrangements be made for her to stay in a location appropriate for a Chief Justice.