Oxygen blockage- "Asphyxia" is a term derived from Greek that literally means as "stopping of the pulse." This term refers to a set of conditions in which there is inadequate delivery, uptake and/or utilization of oxygen by the body’s tissues/cells, often accompanied by carbon dioxide retention which eventually leads to the death of an individual because of lack of oxygen uptake.It then hampers the proper regulation of the body. Traditionally, the conditions leading to asphyxia have included breathing an oxygen-deficient atmosphere and/or interference with the act of breathing or respiration (ie, gas exchange and the utilization of oxygen). Conditions that historically were thought to involve airway compromise but are now recognized to involve restriction of blood flow or altered hemodynamics continue to be classified as asphyxia. In the simplest case, anoxia results from interruption of circulation.It hampers the proper regulation and blood circulation in the body.As an after effect consciousness is lost within seconds of interruption of the brain’s blood supply and within one to two minutes irreversible damage to the brain due to anoxia develops and it can also cause death of that individual. As the COVID-19 patients are increasing the doctors are noticing an odd trend: Patients whose blood oxygen saturation levels are exceedingly low but who are hardly gasping for breath which means the blockage of oxygen leading to the death of an individual. These patients are quite sick, but their disease does not present like typical acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a type of lung failure known from the 2003 outbreak of the SARS coronavirus and other respiratory diseases. The lungs of those patients are clearly not effectively oxygenating the blood, which may lead to death of the individual. The major reasons people feel a sense of dyspnea, or labored breathing, 1. One is something obstructing the airway, which is not an issue in COVID-19. 2.Another is when carbon dioxide builds up in the blood. As per the definition of section307 which is stated as follows- As per section 307 Attempt to murder can be defined as whoever does any act with such intention or knowledge, and under such circumstances that, if he by that act caused death, he would be guilty of murder, shall be punished with imprisonment. Oxygen blockage of a person done intentionally due to any such reasons will come under attempt to murder. Otherwise the blockage of oxygen eventually caused by the attack of virus in the person's body cannot be determined as an attempt to murder. COVID-19 virus attacks the respiratory tract and eventually causes difficulty in breathing which can be observed by the symptoms, the body send. Difficulty in breathing is yet another symptom and thus leads to the death of an individual. Due to which we can observe the high demand of oxygen cylinders & oxygen concentrators to curb the deficiency of oxygen in the body and save the patients life. So as per the precautions we must diligently follow the COVID-19 precautionary guidelines. Stay safe.