~ Anubhooti Shaw
"Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters."
~ Abraham Lincoln
Since India has a multi-party system, it just spices up when elections knock the doors of the faces representing their respective parties. These spicy headlines may act as a convenient source of entertainment but they also portray the lethargic attitude for running a country. Perspectives and porkies have been the essence of politics for centuries and it will obviously continue to exist due to complex human nature and behaviour.
The humongous part is played by the citizens who choose their charioteer to development. Votes casted by the citizens when ultimately collaborate to choose the person who will be responsible for every action taken place in that particular position. Though the population plays the most important aspect of the elections, then also votes and voting behaviour is manipulated by the representatives by pinpointing different sentiments of different people.

The voting pattern or behaviour is a crucial part where one can figure out about what the outcome will be. This behaviour reflects the choices and ideologies of a particular voter. But on the part of voting there are various elements which affect the whole selection.
● Religion/ Language: The most widely used weapon to secure votes in Indian subcontinent is religion or language. The Dalhousie policy undoubtedly works and does wonders even today after 73 years of Independence. Charming and true as it always has been, the need for a better livelihood is the most aspired dream of every household of the country has just blindfolded people. The agenda of secularism just crashes into pieces when staged wooing reaches the religious place of any religion. Easy influence in terms of language also reaches the southern tip of India as well. This option is also practiced by the voters. The voters tend to bend, favouring the party which represent a certain religion.
● Caste : One of the oldest segregation of people is the second most powerful weapon one can use to technically ask for votes. Article 14 of Constitution of India seems like a joke when religion, language and caste become the political evil rather than the mentality of the person initiating it. Campaigns are meant to be those promises which find their way to fulfil ultimately as and when the respective party is elected for the particular position. Same goes for the caste system where the public focuses on the way where their caste is represented rather than looking at pros and cons.
● Literacy and Personality of the Representative: Uttering of words on a public platform reflects one's true ideology and mentality towards a certain issue. When the words are backed up by high literacy and a presentable personality, then the words generated automatically are filled with right reasons and a positive perspective. Not only the representatives should be literate but also the voters. The voters should use their reasoning abilities to select which person would be the best for the position at that point of time.
● Ideology and Money: Both ideology and power of money affect both the sides of the coin, representative and the voters. Adultering of votes on the basis of ideology and money may sound that only one side can establish the whole function but that's where most of the people go wrong. Both voters and representatives make the process happen to fulfil their personal and political agendas respectively.
● Media: In this contemporary world, mass media and communication is making one of the most important places in the agenda. News and social media are becoming bane rather than flowing through the river of bane. The hate and negativity spreading vigorously are not sparing anyone from its clutches. Debates and opinions are either pulling everyone down or in more intense situations, causing death. Legal intervention is occurring due to the unnecessary filing of civil suits and criminal cases. Since these debates and opinions are free of cost, therefore the outcomes of these serious issues are ending as expensive as death and loads of fine.
There are more factors and elements which directly or indirectly affect the procedure of elections in India but these above-mentioned elements are much more sensitive and important in nature. Other elements include perspectives of youth, nationalism, internal matters of a party, misuse of Government Machinery, level of modernization and urbanization, campaign activities, social environment and participation to name a few. These factors might seem small scale but the effect they cause on 1,38,00,04,385 people is too ginormous.

The dazzling top coat portrayed has much more meaning and essence to it than one can imagine. Election is a way where the true colours of every person is reflected through the prism of votes and agendas. Awareness and education are the most necessary changes which need to accelerate as much as possible to avoid incompetency. Lethargic actions do not result in mind-blowing results, therefore dedication and hard work on the part of representatives needs to be boosted. Campaigning during elections doesn't need to be greedy but it needs to be peaceful, cooperative and reasonable in nature.
● Constitution of India
● https://byjus.com/free-ias-prep/electoral-reforms-in-india/
● https://m.timesofindia.com/india/fifteen-factors-that-hold-the-key-to-this-election/amp_articleshow/68350324.cms
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