INTRODUCTION Indian education system has an objective of developing good human beings for the society, who are responsible and resourceful in coming days. Knowledgeable beings with ethical and moral values are the requisite for moulding the future of the nation. It is especially the responsibility of higher education to develop a resourceful mass for their country. Education has proved its relevance in the past and date, it is the bedrock to which certain countries have become developed countries. India has realized the crucial role education plays in the process of developing human resource which is essential for the national development. Hence, there has been an unparalleled quantitative growth in educational institutions. Education is vital for development and is influenced by the environment within which it exists. Traditions, culture and beliefs all are reflected in the education system and are also affected by them. So where is the system going wrong, cause it’s not headed in the right direction for sure!

JNU: The Hotspotof Unconstitutional Activities
Academic performance of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) is respected globally. It is theanti-national leftist element that brings the name in the top charts, sadly it’s not an achievement to be proud of. The university cut a dash in the political stage with a vicious series of protests over various propagandist issues. JNU made it to the trending charts for a huge part of the year, but for all the wrong reasons. According to Twitter’s analysis, #JNU was the 10th most popular hashtag in India.
In February this year, the university was branded “anti-national” after some students were arrested on charges of sedition. A section of students had organized an event on campus to pay homage to the hanging of Afzal Guru (parliament attack convict).
Permissions were cancelled for the event. The event allegedly raised anti-national slogans, which ultimately led to the arrest of few students, who were charged for sedition and were granted bail later on.
Countering to these events, the university started a protest. The “StandWithJNU” movement carried on for a month. Some students also went on a hunger strike against the report of inquiry committee, 21 students were found guilty and were imposed punishments.
Questions were raised - that the university being a waste of taxpayers’ money! And how liberal-thinking students were branded as “anti-national”!
When the student of a prestigious institution like JNU, which was set up to develop and provide for the students from weaker sections of society, are indulged in communal riots itbecomes deeply painful for the society. Students are the pillars a nation’s future; it is very disheartening to see the future of our nation gettinginvolved in such vandalization.
Everyone have some inner demons so does the institution, sadly, certain students are associated with the extreme leftist groups who mislead them towards anti-national activities. It’s unfortunate for the society that certain students are becoming propagandists that can impede India’s integrity and assess the national patriots as enemies. These leftist students have spoiled the whole atmosphere of JNU; whose activities and ideologies resemble the Naxals, to the extent of their aims and agendas.The leftist, "anti-national" students don’t focus on their academics or careers, instead they idealize liberals like Umar Khalid, or politicians like Kanhaiya Kumar who rubs shoulders with famed leftist propagandists like Swara Bhaskar.
The menaces who defaced Swami Vivekananda’s statue in JNU are no less than Talibani extremists who seek to remove civilizations and use brute to enforce their agenda, which is dark and horrifying.

JNU also has examples of brilliant students who have made the nation proud even on international platforms. Its list of alumni includes a Nobel-Prize winning economist, former prime ministers of Libya and Nepal, and many leading politicians, diplomats, artists and academics. It is also an internationally renowned centre for teaching and research, and is among one of India’s top ranked universities. But unconstitutional practices like this in an educational institution is like a blot on paper, it attracts all the attention to itself and not in a good way. The academic excellence of others can’t justify for crimes committed by leftist students viz., bone-chilling. Arthur Helps quoted “Tolerance is the only real test of civilization.” But the situation now is getting unmanageable,the water is flowing above our heads. “Tum kitne Afzal maaroge? Har ghar se hum Afzal nikaalenge” “Bharat ketukadehongsdus, Insha Allah! Insha Allah!” “Kashmir ko hum lad kelenge. Bharat ko jihad se hum khatmkarkerahenge” “Afzal tera karwaanhaiadhura. Mil kar hum karengepoora” These were not the words ISIS or Lashkar-e-Toiba but of the so-called liberals. Under the facade of expression of free speech, dissent and rights, JNU has become a hub for unconstitutional activities that is creating political and communal tension.
In order to come back to the right track institutions like JNU must get rid of anti-national elements under the roof and focus on education as well as cultural development. There is an urgent need of good governance in the universities, institutions and autonomous bodies, implementing the regulations properly with unbiased approach for proper resolution from such unconstitutional elements. Reforms are required in this system so that there is a strict management and discipline as well transparency. Present system requires improvement and the institutions involved in this system have to be made unclouded, clear and accountable to the society. There is dire need of creating Educational Social Responsibility (ESR) among the institutions of education to create better society which ultimately may result in shaping the future of the nation. Tough actions must be take from the scratch pf any unconstitutional activity, before it grows into a much worse problem.