Beijing: Chang’e-5 probe landed on the globe this week which was sent by China. 1,731 grams of sample from moon was brought by the capsule declared by the country’s space agency on Saturday. The sample was handed to the team of researchers on Saturday morning itself. The sample will be tested for analysis, research, experimentation and storage. These samples retrieved from an extra-terrestrial object which was a first whole new process as stated by China National Space Administration (CNSA).
On early hours of Thursday, the capsule of Chang’e-5 landed in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region bringing the samples for testing and observation. The Chang'e-5 mission marks a successful conclusion of China's current three-step lunar exploration programme of orbiting and landing and then bringing back the respective samples which began in the year 2004.

It was the first attempt of China to bring the moon samples in the time span of over 40 years after the US sent astronauts to the moon to collect samples. In the Soviet Union's unmanned lunar sampling missions, the spacecraft took off from the moon and returned to Earth directly without any complications altogether.
The Chang'e-5 probe comprised of an orbiter, a lander, an ascender and a returner was launched on November 24, and its lander-ascender combination touched down on the north of the Mons Rumker in Oceanus Procellarum, also known as the Ocean of Storms on the near side of the moon on December 1. China in recent years has emerged as a major space power with manned space missions and landing a rover in the dark side of the moon. It is currently building a space station of its own.