Covid-19 origin: 'Go to Fort Detrick lab in US', China tells WHO
The WHO said earlier this month that a second stage of the international probe should include audits of Chinese labs, amid increasing pressure from the United States for an investigation into Covid-19 origin. China's vice health minister Zeng Yixin said that he was "extremely surprised".
There have been calls to investigate the Wuhan Institute of Virology to know about the origin of Covid-19.
China has hit back at the United States over investigation into the origin of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic. Zhao Lijian, spokesperson of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said on Monday that if labs are to be investigated, the World Health Organization (WHO) officials should go to Fort Detrick.
"If labs are to be investigated, then the WHO experts should go to Fort Detrick. The US should act transparently & responsibly as soon as possible and invite WHO experts for an inquiry into the Fort Detrick lab. Only in this way can truth be revealed to the world," Zhao said on Twitter.