The Central Government on Thursday, announced an Industrial package of Rs.28,400 crores for Jammu & Kashmir and sait that it would create a way for Rs.20,000 crores of investments and would generate around 4.5 lakh jobs in the Union Territory.
“The package approved by the centre will give boost to J&K’s Industrial potential and will remain in force for 17 years,” said UT’s Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha at a press conference in Jammu.
Calling it as ‘Industrial Development Package 2021’ he added that this scheme is the evidence of the commitment given by the Central Government towards growth, development and prosperity in J&K.
He also said that this is a big relief to the existing industries and will cover the manufacturing units as well as the service sector. He added that this scheme will give J&K’s economy a new boost and will the UT towards towards growth and sustainable development. He also gave hints on the restoration of high speed 4G internet services in the remaining 18 districts of the UT soon.
All-in-all, this IDP scheme is seeming to bring a new wave of investments and employment in J&K and will help to kick- start its economy & to move it towards growth.