For the sixth consecutive session on Wednesday, the S&P BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty 50 indexes closed at record highs, led by gains in automotive and metal shares. Benchmarks were trading in a choppy way with a negative bias for most of the day. Late sales of banking shares, however, reversed the trend for the benchmarks. The Sensex increased to an all-time high of 47,807.85 by as much as 449 points from the day's lowest level, and the Nifty 50 index reached a new high of 13,997. At an all-time closing high of 47,746.22, the Sensex finished 133 points higher, and the Nifty 50 index climbed 49 points to settle at a record high of 13,981.95. Global investors' gush of liquidity is raising the benchmarks to new levels on a regular basis, analysts said. Global institutional investors (FIIs) purchased shares worth 2,350 crore in Tuesday's trading session. FIIs have bought Indian equities worth $22.44 billion so far this calendar year, while they have been net sellers in debt markets at $14 billion, NSDL data shows. Seven of the 11 sector gauges compiled by the National Stock Exchange ended higher, led by a 1.3 percent gain from the Nifty Auto index. The Nifty Metal, Realty and FMCG indexes have increased by 0.4-1.3% each. The banking and pharmaceutical indices, on the other hand, closed slightly lower. As the Nifty Midcap 100 index rose 0.2 percent and the Nifty Smallcap 100 index advanced 0.7 percent, mid- and small-cap stocks have experienced buying interest. UltraTech Cement was the top Nifty winner, with the stock rising by 4.4% to close at 5,374. Grasim Industries, Shree Cements, Bajaj Finance, Eicher Motors, UPL, Mahindra & Mahindra, Maruti Suzuki, Tech Mahindra and Asian Paints have also increased by 1.4-3%. As 1,671 shares ended higher while 1,282 closed lower on the BSE, the total market breadth was positive.
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