The Bar Council of Delhi issued a notice on 23.12.2020 describing the revised enrollment fees to be paid by the lawyers intending to get themselves registered in the State Bar Roll. This revised fee structure came into effect from 01.01.2021.
The notice divided the candidates into three slabs; first one for those who are applying immediately after their graduation, second for those who are applying after five years of their graduation and the third for the retired personnel.
The first slab candidates i.e. the immediate graduates are now have to incur a total of Rs. 14,300 for the entire enrolment procedure, which earlier was Rs. 9,000. For the second slab, the total amount is of Rs. 20,000 and an amount of Rs. 35,000 is to be paid by the third slab consisting of the retired individuals (the slab having the highest no. of enrolments).
The amounts mentioned above include not only the enrolment fees, but also the other charges like identity card charges, building fund, library fund, welfare fund fees and others. This is specially mentioned in the notice that there is no change in the cost of the enrolment form which is same as of Rs.1,000.
Circulation Fees has also been increased from Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 5,000. Circulation is the process to enable fast enrolments in the State Bar wherein the intending candidates get their enrollment numbers within 24 hours of the submission of their enrollment application.