An advocate who has been practicing in the High Court of Bombay for over 25 years has written to the Chief Justice, requesting that Judges with extensive criminal practice be appointed to hear criminal cases. Rajesh Nayak, an Ex-Additional Government Appellate Judge, stated that the appointment of Judges with such backgrounds would ensure that justice would reach the common man. "Such experienced judges would be better placed to decide criminal cases." Those from civil backgrounds find it difficult to handle crime-related matters in the absence of experience, and the justice system suffers as a result," he told the news agency. Concerned about the current criminal case roster system, Nayak stated that the city had a plethora of experienced criminal lawyers who would be in a better position to understand the cases and should be elevated as High Court Judges. "This is the last court of law for 95 percent of ordinary citizens who came to the court hoping to get justice," he said. We had good judges on the criminal side in previous roasters, but we are currently lacking them. The court proceedings should be made transparent so that the performance of a judge can be scrutinized by the CJ."