Source:- Trepup.com
The word ‘Indic’ is related to the group of Indo- European language which comprise of Sanskrit word and modern Indian language as well as it is related to the Indian culture ,custom and traditions also.[1]
Civilization is a long way development of human life in the mental, spiritual, cultural, economical, and political nature. In Sanskrit language civilization is called as ‘Sabhyata’ which is the pillar of Indian culture . While going through the word, culture and civilisation both are interdependent to each other where culture is end of means through civilised society where they live. Civilisation can never be of an individual person like Gandhi civilisation, Anna Hazzare civilisation civil it is of society which stays for very long time like Vedic civilization, Indus valley civilization.
Indic civilisation highlights the importance of culture and civilisation for society and how it affects the world at large from its high morals and values. The tradition of Indian culture & modern civilisation both merges to show our country’s ‘UNITY IN DIVERSITY’. INDIC CIVILISATION The Aryan civilisation was in many controversies which gives a relation between the origin of the Indic Civilisation where the tradition and history of the Aryan civilisation gave a name of ‘BHARAT’. Also, in our constitution, Article 1 says that India is recognized as ‘Bharat’ and an Indic Civilisation State. [2] Indian culture Every country has their own principles and values over which it laid down its foundation stones. Similarly in our country Indian culture is a spirit of Bharatvars . Indian culture is propounded in every part of the globe for its ancient cultural heritage. The one of the most elite features of Indian culture is its tolerance towards all the religion Hindu, Muslim , Christian, Sikh etc. In the constitution it is given that India is a secular state therefore it cannot force an individual to change his religion. It totally depends on the individual choice to choose which religion he want to professes and propagate. Indians never tried to change itself into Hindustan. The second most prominent feature of Indic civilisation is ‘Samanvaya’ or the sense of synthesis which in general means coordination or amalgamation of thoughts of ancient and modern times where the moral value , or languages are not relevant for social , religious and customs changes. Some works of sense of synthesis is Bhramhosamaj by Raja Ram Mohan Roy for the upliftment of the Brahmin Society. Also, abolition of Sati practice can be included in this.
Impact in modern times As the development of society, people start accepting modern civilisation for the development in there culture which lacks in spirituality and humanity among people. As said further civilisation is an overall development of not only mental or economical changes but it should be spiritual and religious values also. Therefore modern civilisation has a great effect over the Indic civilisation which was famous later for its values. Footnotes:- [1] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Indic
[2] https://thedailyguardian.com/bharat-an-indic-civilisation-state/
References:- (a) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGyjvyXEKdc&t=1180s
(b) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QjFUndnWDs
(c) https://thedailyguardian.com/
(d) https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/