Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan says that though Rahul is a prominent leader of the Congress but he has been speaking on issues that he hasn’t even tried to understand. He said this because previously Rahul had given a statement to the reporters that “the Left has not done anything to oppose RSS and BJP”. CM opposed and said that this dialogue of Rahul could have even evoked laughter of ridicule among the people who didn’t support the Left. Further, Rahul also commented that central agencies were not properly interfering, to this the CM answered that “We have only one stand. We are going forward by giving suitable responses to such interferences. That too can be seen here. Here, there is Kerala-level cooperation among the party of Rahul Gandhi, league, and BJP.”Furthermore, Vijayan was questioned on the practicality of a scheme like Nyay. On this, the CM commented that “The welfare pension was Rs.600 then. Even that was not given for more than 18 months... How will people believe such promises of a group which didn’t even have the will to give away pension?”
The CM also gave a public opinion favouring that the LDF government formed on its own. To support this view, he said that “One of the major achievements of the government was redefining the earlier concept that people do not have any role in governance apart from using voting rights every five years. Every year we published a progress report updating people about the extent to which we were able to fulfill the promises made in the election manifesto.”
During a press conference at Kannur press club, CM Pinarayi countered an allegation on the state that the state was in debt. He said that in the financial year 2019-20, the debt of Kerala was 31.2% of internal revenue. He added that when UDF left power in 2015-2016, the debt was 29% despite not including various debts. The CM also commented that the KSEB allegation was also unsubstantiated as similar purchases have even taken place in other Congress-ruled states as well. Pinarayi said Oommen Chandy was impending allegations on development after realizing that the backlash from people would be severe.